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Michigan Model
for Health

The Michigan Model for Health™ is a comprehensive, skills-based, Pre K-12 health education curriculum that addresses the major youth health risk behaviors at every grade level, with age-appropriate instructional activities. Health skills taught include: personal health and wellness, social and emotional health, nutrition and physical activity, alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, safety and HIV/sex ed.


The goal of this program is to motivate and assist students to maintain and improve their health, prevent disease, and reduce health-related risk behaviors while creating a partnership between home, school, community groups, and government.


The Michigan Model for Health™ is designed for Pre K-12 teachers to implement in their own classrooms. For a teacher to become trained in Michigan Model for Health™, they must attend a regional training where they would receive the required curriculum materials for implementation. All trainings, materials and technical assistance are provided for free by your Regional School Health Coordinator, Kelly Johnson-Sager. 

After MMH lessons students will demonstrate...

  • Better interpersonal communication skill, social/emotional skills, and self-management skills​I

  • Improved pro-health and pro-safety attitudes

  • Stronger drug and tobacco refusal skill

  • Reduced intention to use alcohol and tobacco

  • Increased knowledge and skills in physical activity and nutrition

For more information,
please visit:


To learn more about MMH trainings, please contact:


Kelly Sager, Regional School Health Coordinator


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